default: payment_details: 'Payment details' title_block: 'Payment' check: 'Check' send_form: 'Send' description: 'Description' confirmation: 'Confirmation' user_basket_first_name: 'First Name' user_basket_last_name: 'Last Name' user_basket_email: 'E-mail' transaction_amount: 'Amount' transaction_number: 'Transaction Number' transaction_payment: 'Payment' transaction_return: 'Return' payment_succes_title: 'Accepted transaction' payment_cancel_title: 'Error !!! Transaction declined' payment_success_response: 'Your payment has been successfully completed' payment_cancel_response: 'Your payment failed, please try again later' summary: 'Summary of your reservation' buttons: list_payment_mode: 'Back to the list' payment_mode: button: add_to_group: 'Add to a group' message: create: success: 'The payment method has been successfully created.' error: 'Error! The payment method has not been created, please try again later.' edit: success: 'The payment method has been successfully updated.' error: 'Error! The payment method has not been updated, please try again later.' delete: success: 'The payment method has been successfully deleted.' error: 'Error! The payment method has not been removed, please try again later.' group: title: new_group: 'Create new group' label: new_payment_group: 'New group' collapsible: header: 'List of groups' badge: 'Group(s)' button: return_to_payment_mode: 'Return to the payment mode' message: create: success: 'The group was created successfully.' error: 'Error! The group was not created, please try again later.' add_payment_mode_to_group: success: 'The payment method has been added successfully.' error: 'Error! Payment method (s) have not been added, please try again later.' edit: success: 'The group has been updated successfully.' error: 'Error! The group has not been updated, please try again later.' delete: success: 'The group was successfully deleted.' error: 'Error! The group has not been deleted, please try again later.' check: title: 'Payment by check' checkdesc: 'Cheque number' deposit: 'Deposit' balance: 'Balance' total: 'Total' datedesc: "Date of operation" amountdesc: 'Payroll amount' payzen: title: 'Payment by PayZen' transsettings: 'Translation settings' amountdesc: 'Amount' clientssettings: 'clients settings' orderdesc: 'Order number' custid: 'Customer ID' custname: 'Client name' custaddress: "Customer's address" custzip: 'Customer zip code' custcity: 'Customer City' custcountry: "Customer's country" custphone: "Customer's phone" custemail: 'Customer e-mail' returnurl: 'Return URL' urlreturndesc: 'Return URL description' redirect: 'Redirection' paypal: title: 'Payment by PayPal' message_flash_bag: msg_group_payment_add: msg_add_success: 'The group (s) has been successfully added.' msg_add_error: 'The group (s) has not been added, please try again later.'