form_forge: default: name: 'Name' value: 'Value' validate: 'Validate' cancel: 'Cancel' return: 'Return' send: 'Send' label: 'Label' redirect_url: 'Redirect URL' tag_msg: "Name for the mapping twig" reason: title: new_reason: 'New Reason' legend: reason: 'Reason' field: 'Fields' button: back_to_the_reason_list: 'Back to the list of reasons' create_reason: 'Create Reason' import_reason: 'Import Reason' file_name: 'File' add_event: 'Add an event to this form' btn_or: 'Or' button_sign_in: 'Sign in' table: th_id: 'Identifier' th_tag_for_twig: 'Tag For Twig' th_discription: 'Description' th_action: 'Actions' duplicate: duplicate_form: 'Duplicate a reason' response: field: label: type: 'Type' get_parameter_name: 'Parameter name to retrieve' field_cordinate_last_name: 'Last Name' field_cordinate_first_name: 'First Name' field_cordinate_email: 'Email' field_cordinate_tel: 'Phone' required: 'Required' not_required: 'Not Required' mapping_tag : 'Name for the mapping twig' button: back_to_the_field_list: 'Back to the list of field' field_response: field_value: mapping_event: title: mapping_event_title: 'Mapping Event' label: event_name: 'Event name' list_event: 'List of events' count_event: 'Event(s)' message: create: success: "The event name is successfully created" errors: "Error! The event name was not created, please try again later." update: success: "The event name (s) have been updated successfully" errors: "Error! Event name (s) have not been updated, please try again later" delete: success: "The event name is successfully deleted" errors: "Error! The event name has not been deleted, please try again later" test: title_test: 'Test form' nothing: 'No form to generate' field_type: table: tag_name: 'Tags' element_type: 'Fields Type' back_twig_name: 'Back-end Twig Name' front_twig_name: 'Front-end Twig Name' custom_twig_name: 'Custom Twig Name' buton: load_base_fields: 'loading basic fields' list_type_field: 'list of fields' create_new_field_type: 'create a new field' label: file_name: 'File Name' field_type: 'Field Type' source_back: 'Content Back' source_front: 'Content Front' custom_content: 'Custom Content' particular_template: 'Would you like to use a particular template for this type of field?' context_field: 'Context' select_option: create_context: 'create' prod_context: 'production' choose_context: 'choose context' file: placeholder: upload_file: 'Upload one or more files' message: create: msg_success: 'The field type was successfully created' msg_error: "Erreur! Field type was not created, please try again later" update: msg_success: 'The field type was successfully updated' msg_error: "Erreur! Field type was not updated, please try again later" delete: msg_success: 'The field type was successfully deleted' msg_error: "Erreur!Field type was not deleted, please try again later" type: message: create: msg_success: 'The ype was successfully created' msg_error: "Erreur! Type was not created, please try again later" update: msg_success: 'The type was successfully updated' msg_error: "Erreur! Type was not updated, please try again later" delete: msg_success: 'The type was successfully deleted' msg_error: "Erreur! Type was not deleted, please try again later" loading: msg_success: 'Loading successfull' msg_error: "Loading failed" modale: header: title: 'Validation error:' body: modal_content: 'Please complete all mandatory fields marked with an "*".'