# FormForgeBundle Version: FromForgeBundle v1.4.5 Require # Extension of the parent template: In Twig.yaml add a global variable "parent_template", and give and infect the name of the parent template globals: parent_template: '***' # For the css buttons: In the file " *.css ". Add the following class".btn-background" and ".btn-background-text" and give them the "background-color and color" properties .req{color: red;} .btn.btn-background {background-color:#273c75; font-weight: bold} .btn.btn-background:hover {background-color:#e3521d;} i.btn-background-text {color:#273c75;} i.btn-background-text:hover {color:#e3521d;} # Integration of forms: - Method 1: generate form by tags (Not Supports URL translation) + Add the line below in a template. + We define the form's tag. {{ render(controller('FormForgeBundle:FormForgeGenerate:renderer',{ 'tag': 'montag' } )) }} - Method 2: generate form by SlugElement (Supports URL translation) + Add the line below in a template. {{ reason.name.show(lang) }} * Info: when you import FormForgeReason, and if the 'tag' field is empty, you must execute the following sql query in the database: UPDATE `form_forge_reason` SET `tag`=`public_key` WHERE 1