const $ = require('jquery'); require('jquery-ui-bundle'); const materialize = require('materialize-css/dist/js/materialize'); window.Materialize = materialize; const codemirror = require('codemirror/lib/codemirror'); window.CodeMirror = codemirror; /* * Welcome to your app's main JavaScript file! * * We recommend including the built version of this JavaScript file * (and its CSS file) in your base layout (base.html.twig). */ import javascript from "codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript" import htmlmixed from "codemirror/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed" import htmlEmbeddedMode from "codemirror/mode/htmlembedded/htmlembedded" import css from "codemirror/mode/css/css" import twig from "codemirror/mode/twig/twig" import tinymce from "tinymce/tinymce" import show_hint from "codemirror/addon/hint/show-hint" import html_hint from "codemirror/addon/hint/html-hint" import css_hint from "codemirror/addon/hint/css-hint" import javascript_hint from "codemirror/addon/hint/javascript-hint" // any CSS you require will output into a single css file (app.css in this case) require('../scss/material-icons-custom.scss'); require('materialize-css/sass/materialize.scss'); require('jquery-ui-bundle/jquery-ui.min.css'); require('../scss/app.scss'); require('codemirror/lib/codemirror.css'); require('codemirror/theme/oceanic-next.css'); require('codemirror/addon/hint/show-hint.css'); $(document).ready(function () { var list_element = []; let image_module_id = 0; $('select').formSelect(); // $('.fixed-action-btn').floatingActionButton(); $(".btn-save-agrid-text-editor").hide(); $("#add_a_new_route").hide(); $('.tabs').tabs(); // initEditor('textarea'); // $('.text-editor').summernote(); $('.modal').modal(); sidenav_init(); synchro_inputs(); slider_init(); // update_sortable_items(); $('#select_lang').change(function () { location.href = $(this).val(); }); $('#content_mode').change(function () { location.href = $(this).val(); }); $("#screen-emulator-size").change(function () { $(".screen-emulator").removeClass("min-screen").removeClass("max-screen"); if ($("#screen-emulator-size").is(":checked")) { $(".screen-emulator").addClass("max-screen"); 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update_row_order(parentElement, $content, $csrf_token); } }); } window.update_sortable_items = update_sortable_items; function update_row_order(parentElement, $content, $token) { let new_order = {}; $("#" + parentElement + " .row").each(function (index) { new_order[index] = $(this).attr('id'); }); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/content/' + $content + '/rows/order', type: 'POST', data: { token: $token, rows: new_order }, success: function (data) { } }); } window.update_row_order = update_row_order; function delete_row($content, $row_id, $token) { $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/content/' + $content + '/row/delete', //"{{ path('agrid_page_delete_row',{'content'}) }}", type: 'POST', data: { token: $token, row: $row_id }, success: function (data) { $("#row-" + $row_id).remove(); } }); } window.delete_row = delete_row; /********** < COLS > **********/ function add_col($content, $row_id, $lang, $mode) { $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/page/' + $content + '/col/add', type: 'POST', data: { token: "{{ csrf_token( }}", row: $row_id, mode: $mode, lang: $lang }, success: function (data) { $("#row-" + $row_id).html(data); update_sortable_items(); location.reload(); } }); } window.add_col = add_col; function set_col_size($content, $col_id, $size_int, $token, $mode) { $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/page/' + $content + '/col/size', type: 'POST', data: { token: $token, col: $col_id, mode: $mode, size: $size_int }, success: function (data) { $("#col-" + $col_id).attr('class', data); $("#col-mod-" + $col_id).text('s' + $size_int); } }); } window.set_col_size = set_col_size; function update_col_order($content, $parentElement, $token) { let new_order = {}; $("#" + $parentElement + " .col").each(function (index) { new_order[index] = $(this).attr('id'); }); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/page/' + $content + '/cols/order', type: 'POST', data: { token: $token, row: $parentElement, cols: new_order }, success: function (data) { } }); } window.update_col_order = update_col_order; function delete_col($content, $col_id, $token) { $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/content/' + $content + '/col/delete', type: 'POST', data: { token: $token, col: $col_id }, success: function (data) { $("#col-" + $col_id).remove(); } }); } window.delete_col = delete_col; /********** < Modules > **********/ function select_module($content, $id_col, $mode, $lang) { $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/select', type: 'post', data: { content: $content, id_col: $id_col, mode: $mode, lang: $lang }, success: function (data) { $("#slide-module").html(data); $("#slide-module").sidenav("open"); } }); } window.select_module = select_module; function add_module($content, $col_id, $type, $mode, $token, $lang) { // let lang = $('#select_lang').val(); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/content/' + $content + '/module/add', type: 'POST', data: { token: $token, col: $col_id, type: $type, mode: $mode, lang: $lang }, success: function (data) { $("#col-" + $col_id).replaceWith(data); $("#col-" + $col_id + " .btn-save-agrid-text-editor").hide(); update_sortable_items(); $("#slide-module").sidenav("close"); location.reload(); } }); } window.add_module = add_module; function editor(id) { $(".btn-open-agrid-text-editor").hide(); $("#btn-save-agrid-text-editor-" + id).show(); initEditor('#agrid-text-editor-' + id); } window.editor = editor; function initEditor($selector){ tinymce.init({ selector: $selector, plugins: 'paste importcss searchreplace autolink directionality code visualblocks visualchars link codesample table charmap hr pagebreak nonbreaking toc insertdatetime advlist lists wordcount textpattern noneditable help charmap quickbars emoticons', menubar: 'edit view insert format tools table help', toolbar: 'undo redo | bold italic underline strikethrough | fontselect fontsizeselect formatselect | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | outdent indent | numlist bullist | forecolor backcolor removeformat | pagebreak | charmap emoticons | link codesample | ltr rtl', toolbar_sticky: false, language: 'fr_FR', // content_css: '//', // link_list: [ // { title : "test", menu : [{ title: 'My page 1', value: '' }, { title: 'My page 2', value: '' }] } // ], importcss_append: true, height: 600, quickbars_insert_toolbar : 'quicktable', quickbars_selection_toolbar: 'bold italic | link h2 h3 blockquote quicktable', noneditable_noneditable_class: "mceNonEditable", toolbar_mode: 'sliding', init_instance_callback: function(editor) { editor.on('OpenWindow', function(e) { $('select').addClass("browser-default"); }); } }); } window.initEditor =initEditor; function save_editor($module_id, $lang, $mode) { $(".btn-save-agrid-text-editor").hide(); let markup = tinymce.get("agrid-text-editor-" + $module_id).getContent(); tinymce.remove("#agrid-text-editor-" + $module_id); $(".btn-open-agrid-text-editor").show(); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/content/' + $module_id + '/col/module/save-editor', //"{{ path('agrid_page_col_save_editor',{'content'}) }}", type: 'POST', data: { token: "{{ csrf_token( }}", lang: $lang, mode: $mode, html: markup }, success: function (data) { } }); } window.save_editor = save_editor; function open_module($module_public_key, $lang) { $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/init', //'{{ path('agrid_module_init') }}', type: 'post', data: { module_public_key: $module_public_key, lang: $lang }, success: function (data) { $("#slide-module").html(data); $("#slide-module").sidenav("open"); $('select').formSelect(); // module_title(); M.updateTextFields(); get_news_list_by_feed(); $('.modal').modal(); // $('.carousel.carousel-slider').carousel({ // fullWidth: true, // indicators: true // }); } }); } window.open_module = open_module; function validate_title($module_id, $lang) { let $twig = $('#title-type').val(); $("#slide-module").sidenav("close"); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/' + $module_id + '/validate/title', type: 'post', data: { title_type: $twig, title_content: $('#title-text').val(), title_class: $('#title_class').val(), lang: $lang }, success: function (data) { $('#module-content-' + $module_id).html(data); } }); } window.validate_title = validate_title; /********** - FileManager - **********/ function show_files_manager($callback_function, $lang, $directoryName) { $.ajax({ url: '/file-manager/directory/all-files', type: 'post', data: { callback_function: $callback_function, lang: $lang, directoryName: $directoryName }, success: function (data) { let sidenav_right = $('#sidenav-right'); $('#right-sidenav-content').html(data); sidenav_right.sidenav({ edge: 'right', }); sidenav_right.sidenav('open'); // $('.fixed-action-btn').floatingActionButton(); updateFormUploadComponent(); } }); } window.show_files_manager = show_files_manager; // Check image function function check_image(element, callback_function, $lang, $module = null) { // let check_box_element = $('i:first', element), let parent_element = $(element).parent(), image_material_boxed = $('img:first', parent_element); // wrapper_images_selected = '.wrapper_images_selected'; if (callback_function !== '') { let photo_guid = image_material_boxed.attr('data-id'); let fn = callback_function + '("' + photo_guid + '","' + $lang + '")'; eval(fn); } } window.check_image = check_image; // show image // function show_image_box(element){ // let parent_element = $(element).parent(), // image_material_boxed = $('img:first', parent_element); // // $(image_material_boxed).materialbox(); // $(image_material_boxed).materialbox('open'); // } // window.show_image_box = show_image_box; function module_callback_photos(file_guid, $lang) { let module_id = $("#module_public_key").val(); $("#slide-photos").sidenav("close"); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/photos/callback', type: 'post', data: { module_public_key: module_id, file_guid: file_guid, lang: $lang }, success: function (data) { $("#guid_images_selected-" + module_id).val(file_guid); $('#wrapper_images_selected-' + module_id).html(data); } }); } window.module_callback_photos = module_callback_photos; function validate_photo($module_id, $lang) { $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/' + $module_id + '/photo/validate', type: 'post', data: { file_guid: $('#guid_images_selected-' + $module_id).val(), lang: $lang }, success: function (data) { $('#module-content-' + $module_id).html(data); $("#slide-module").sidenav('close'); $('#sidenav-right').sidenav('close'); } }); } window.validate_photo = validate_photo; function module_callback_slider($file_guid) { list_element.forEach(function (item, index, array) { let position = list_element.indexOf($file_guid); if (list_element[index] === '') { list_element[index] = $file_guid; } else if (list_element[position] !== $file_guid) { list_element.push($file_guid); } }); module_slider_list_images(); } window.module_callback_slider = module_callback_slider; function module_slider_list_images() { let module_id = $('#module_id_slider').val(); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/' + module_id + '/materialize-slider/list-photos', type: 'post', data: { list_images: list_element }, success: function (data) { $("#module-slider-" + module_id).html(data); } }); } function edit_image_slider($module_id, $image_guid, $lang) { let sidenav_right = $('#sidenav-right'); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/' + $module_id + '/materialize-slider/edit-photo', type: 'post', data: { image_guid: $image_guid, lang: $lang }, success: function (data) { $('#right-sidenav-content').html(data); sidenav_right.sidenav({ edge: 'right', }); sidenav_right.sidenav('open'); M.updateTextFields(); $('.tabs').tabs(); // $('.text-editor').summernote(); } }); } window.edit_image_slider = edit_image_slider; function validate_materialize_slider() { let module_id = $('#module_id_slider').val(); $("#slide-module").sidenav('close'); $('#sidenav-right').sidenav('close'); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/' + module_id + '/materialize-slider/validate', type: 'post', data: { list_images: list_element }, success: function (data) { $('#module-content-' + module_id).html(data); $('.slider').slider({ duration: 700 }); } }); } window.validate_materialize_slider = validate_materialize_slider; function update_slider_image_editor($module_id, $file_guid, $lang) { $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/' + $module_id + '/materialize-slider-image-editor/validate', type: 'post', data: { file_guid: $file_guid, lang: $lang, // left_content: $('#text-editor-left-content').summernote('code'), // center_content: $('#text-editor-center-content').summernote('code'), // right_content: $('#text-editor-right-content').summernote('code') }, success: function (data) { // $('#slider-image-parameters-'+$file_guid).html(data); $('#sidenav-right').sidenav('close'); } }); } window.update_slider_image_editor = update_slider_image_editor; function remove_image_from_slider_list($module_id, $image_guid, $lang) { $('#' + $image_guid).remove(); let position = list_element.indexOf($image_guid); list_element.splice(position, 1); if (list_element.length === 0) list_element = ['']; // remove parameters if exist $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/' + $module_id + '/materialize-slider-image/delete', type: 'post', data: { file_guid: $image_guid, lang: $lang }, success: function (data) { } }); } window.remove_image_from_slider_list = remove_image_from_slider_list; function module_callback_video(file_guid, $lang) { let module_id = $("#module_id_slider").val(); $("#slide-photos").sidenav("close"); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/videos/callback', type: 'post', data: { module_public_key: module_id, file_guid: file_guid, lang: $lang }, success: function (data) { $('#wrapper_video_selected-' + module_id).html(data); } }); } window.module_callback_video = module_callback_video; function validate_video($module_id, $lang) { console.log('validate_video', '/agrid/module/' + $module_id + '/videos/validate'); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/' + $module_id + '/videos/validate', type: 'post', data: { video: $('#guid_video_selected-' + $module_id).val(), lang: $lang, thumbnail: $('#guid_video_thumbnail-' + $module_id).val(), controls: $('#controls-parameter').is(':checked'), autoplay: $('#autoplay-parameter').is(':checked'), loop: $('#loop-parameter').is(':checked'), muted: $('#muted-parameter').is(':checked') }, success: function (data) { $('#module-content-' + $module_id).html(data); $("#slide-module").sidenav('close'); $('#sidenav-right').sidenav('close'); } }); } window.validate_video = validate_video; function callback_youtube_video() { let module_id = $('#module-video-youtube').val(); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/' + module_id + '/videos-youtube/callback', type: 'post', data: { video_id: '', url: $('#src-url-youtube').val(), autoplay: $('#autoplay-parameter').is(':checked'), allowfullscreen: $('#allowfullscreen-parameter').is(':checked') }, success: function (data) { $('#wrapper-youtube-video-preview-' + module_id).html(data); } }); } window.callback_youtube_video = callback_youtube_video; function validate_youtube_video($module_id, $lang) { $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/' + $module_id + '/videos-youtube/validate', type: 'post', data: { video_id: '', lang: $lang, url: $('#src-url-youtube').val(), autoplay: $('#autoplay-parameter').is(':checked'), allowfullscreen: $('#allowfullscreen-parameter').is(':checked') }, success: function (data) { $('#module-content-' + $module_id).html(data); $("#slide-module").sidenav('close'); $('#sidenav-right').sidenav('close'); } }); } window.validate_youtube_video = validate_youtube_video; // Module News function create_news_feed() { let feed_name = $('#feed-name').val(), news_feeds_list_select = $('#news-feeds-list'); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/news-feed/create-feed', type: 'post', data: { feed_name: feed_name }, success: function (data) { $('#news-feeds-list').append(data); $("#add-new-feed-modal").modal('close'); $(news_feeds_list_select).formSelect(); } }); } window.create_news_feed = create_news_feed; function get_news_list_by_feed() { // News Feeds change event listener $('#news-feeds-list').change(function () { let feed_id = $(this).val(), news_feeds_list_select = $('#news-feeds-list'), module_id = $('#module_public_key').val(); if (feed_id !== ""){ // $('#module-add-news').removeClass('disabled'); $('#set-the-parameters-of-news-display').removeClass('disabled'); } $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/' + module_id + '/news/list-by-feed', type: 'post', data: { feed_id: feed_id }, success: function (data) { $('#news-list-content').html(data); } }); }); } window.get_news_list_by_feed = get_news_list_by_feed; function add_news($module_id, $lang) { let feed_id = $('#news-feeds-list').val(), news_admin_right_sidenav = $('#news-admin-sidenav-right'); news_admin_right_sidenav.sidenav({ edge: 'right', }); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/' + $module_id + '/create-news', type: 'post', data: { feed_id: feed_id, lang: $lang }, success: function (data) { $('#news-admin-sidenav-content').html(data); news_admin_right_sidenav.sidenav('open'); } }); } window.add_news = add_news; function set_parameters_of_news_display($module_id, $lang) { let feed_id = $('#news-feeds-list').val(), sidenav_right = $('#sidenav-right'), code_editor = $('#area-code-editor'), myModeSpec = { name: "htmlmixed", tags: { style: [["type", /^text\/(x-)?scss$/, "text/x-scss"], [null, null, "css"]], custom: [[null, null, "customMode"]] } }; sidenav_right.sidenav({ edge: 'right', }); $.ajax({ url: '/agrid/module/' + $module_id + '/news-parameters', type: 'post', data: { feed_id: feed_id, lang: $lang }, success: function (data) { $('#right-sidenav-content').html(data); sidenav_right.sidenav('open'); $('.modal').modal(); let code = $('#area-code-editor')[0]; // let editor = CodeMirror(document.getElementById("area-code-editor"),{ let editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(code,{ // value: "#test {\n\tposition: absolute;\n\twidth: auto;\n\theight: 50px;\n}", // mode: "twig", mode: myModeSpec, theme: "oceanic-next", // tabSize: 5, lineNumbers: true, extraKeys: {"Ctrl-Space": "autocomplete"} }); // let editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(code, { // lineNumbers: true // }); } }); } window.set_parameters_of_news_display = set_parameters_of_news_display;